Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 35/52 // Semana 35//52

We went to the beach yeee!! We had a great day with the kids. My friend Julia, who I met in Chad and it is now in Haiti, took us to Ouanga Beach (more and less 4 beaches after Obama Beach) in the north part of the country. It is a small beach of crystalline waters. Sebastian had a blast, he was inside the water as soon as I put his vest on. He is fearless, and was swimming in "Nemo's House" as if it was his natural element. Julita helped me a lot with him and spent a lot of time with him in the water. Auggie was a happy bug as ever, and spent a lot of time playing with my mom. After the beach we went to a play date with other babies. Sebastian was the oldest in the group but had a great time.

Nos fuimos a la playa yeee!!! Tuvimos un dia excelente con los ninos. Mi amiga Julia, a quien conoci en Chad y que ahora tambien vive en Haiti, nos llevo a Ouanga Beach (mas o menos unas 4 playas despues de la playa Obama), en el norte de Haiti. Es una playa chiquita con aguas cristalinas. Sebastian se la paso bomba, estaba ya en el agua apenas le puse su chaleco flotador. El enano no tiene miedo de estar en "la casa de Nemo", es como si estuviera en su elemento natural. Julita me ayudo un monton con el enano y se paso jugando con el en el agua. Auggie estaba contento como siempre, jugando con su mama Betty. Despues de la playa nos fuimos a una reunion de un grupo de bebes. Sebastian era el mas viejo, pero igual se la paso muy bien.

Ouanga Beach // Playa Ouanga

Weekly pic: Quiet at the beach // Foto de la Semana: Calmado en la playa

Weekly pic: Having fun with mama Betty // Foto de la semana: Divirtiendome con mama Betty
Being Nemo / Nemo
Juntando piedritas // Collecting stones
Dos quesos en la playa //Teo pieces of cheese at the beach
Mas Nemo // More Nemo
Beautiful boy // Chico guapisimo (como su madre)

Too much salt in my eyes // Mucha sal en mis ojos
Beach lovers // Loquitos por la playa
Jugando con chicas // PLaying with girls
Focus // Concentrados
Really focus // Muy concentrado
Mom, I do not knwo if this car is for me//Mama, no se si me gusta este modelo de carro
A sus amrcas, listos, fuera!!! / Set, ready, go!!!

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