Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 13/52 / Semana 13/52

Sebastian is doing great with his potty training, he is mainly using diapers only to sleep. We did not have enough training pants, but he is using his cotton shorts every time we run out of clean undies. He has also started call them "undis". These days, his vocabulary is expanding quite quickly, he keeps asking (in English) What is this? Who is this? with a very cute accent. He is also calling things by its names, such as vaca (cow in Spanish) instead of muuuu and pasta, and perro (dog in Spanish) instead of wow wow. He calls Auggie, baby Auggy and sometimes Augou.

He loves to play in the mud and in the water, he takes every opportunity he has to play with water. This morning he was in the mud at 6.30 am. His hair is very crazy, a friend of mine calls him Mowgly (like the boy from the Jungle Book)

I started a project taking pictures of the boys toys. So that when they are old, they will be able to remember the toys they played with. I started with the "special needs toys" (the ones without head, arms, legs, etc) that Sebastian still plays with and with the Toy Story gang. As soon as he realized that I was taking pictures of his toys, he come to play with them :). He is very funny, every time he plays with "Jessie" (the Ana Bolena from Toy Story), he sees her headless body and says Ohhh Noooo!!!

Auggie refuses to eat from the bottle. He prefers to drink his mommy's milk from a cup, which is great. He has been a little bit difficult this week with his food. So we decided to start trying solids with him. He seems to be ready. We fed him with rice cereal on Sunday, and he was quite happy. We first checked on Friday if he will be ok sitting on the feeding chair. He is a little bit small, but he managed to stay up. He is starting a month earlier than Sebastian. But I think he is doing very well.

Sebastian esta progresando muy bien con su entrenamiento para usar el bano. Ahora usa los panales principalmente para dormir. No tenemos suficientes calzoncillos de entrenamiento, asi que esta usando sus shorts de algodon cuando todos los calzoncillos estan sucios. Los ha empezado a llamar "Undis" (por calzoncillo en ingles) estos dias, su vocabulario se esta expandiendo rapidamente. Pregunta a cada rato (en Ingles) What is this? Who is this? (que es esto?, quien es?) con un acento bien rico. Esta tambien empezando a llamar a las cosas por sus nombres: vaca en vez de muuuu, pasta, perro en vez de guau guau. A Auggie lo llama Bebe Auggie y algunas veces Augo.

Le encanta jugar en el barro y en el agua. En cada oportunidad que tiene, se escapa a jugar al barro o al agua. Hoy por ejemplo, estaba jugando en el barro a las 6.30 am. Su cabello esta hecho una locura, una amiga lo ha empezado a llamar Mowgly (por el nino del libro de la selva)

He empezado un nuevo proyecto, estoy tomando fotos de los juguetes de los enanos. Asi, cuando sean grandes, podran recordar los juguetes que tenian. He empezado con los que llamamos : los chicos con necesidades especiales :), aquellos sin brazos, piernas o incluso cabeza, y he seguido con la pandilla de Toy Story. Apenas Sebastian me vio tomando las fotos, se acerco a jugar con sus juguetes. Es muy gracioso el enano, a Jessie (Nuestra Ana Bolena de Toy Story), cada vez que juega con ella y ve su descabezada figura dice: Ohhh Noooo!!!!

Auggie no quiere tomar mamadera, prefiere tomar la rica leche de su madre en vaso, lo cual es perfecto!! Esta semana no quiso comer mucho, asi que pensamos que ya esta listo para probar comida solida. El viernes lo sentamos en la silla de comer para asegurarnos que se sentaba bien, y el domingo empezamos con cereal de arroz. El enano es un poco pequeno para la silla, pero se sento bien derecho. Esta empezando un mes antes que Sebastian, pero le fue muy bien, y no tuvo ningun problema en aceptar la comida.

Weekly pic: Blowing bubbles
Foto de la semana: Burbujeando

Jugando con agua
Playing with water

Limpiando despues del juego
Cleaning after playing
Leyendo y haciendo sonidos de animales
Reading and making animal sounds
Mowgly y sus pelos
Mowgly and his hair
Jugando con Papa (Woody), Baby Buzz y Papa Buzz
Playing with Papa (Woody), Baby Buzz and Papa Buzz
Sebas' Toys
Los juguetes del enano
This is for Grandpa Rollie, so that he can see how big the pool is
Esta es para el abuelo Rollie, para que vea cuan grande es la piscina.


Weekly pic: mmmm Rice cereal!!
Foto de la semana: mmmmm Cereal de arroz!!
Mira mami, me siento muy bien!!
Look mommy, I sit very well!!
Traiganme la comida YA!!!
Bring my food NOW!!!
Daddy, you are squeezing me!!
Papa, me estas apachurrando!!
Uy que rico, este piecito se ve buenazo!!
mmm, This foot looks very yummy!!

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