Monday, April 9, 2012

11/52 Weeks / 11/52 semanas

Ha sido una semana intensa, el calor se ha empezado a manifestar con toda la fuerza de la epoca caliente. Los chicos ya empezaron solo a usar panal, porque el calor anda insoportable. Pero ademas de cambios climatologicos, hemos tenido muchos cambios en la casa… buenos cambios!!. El Domingo pasado alguien nos conto que habian reabierto la escuela primaria bi-lingue  que recibian ninos desde los dos anos. Nos fuimos al toque a averiguar, y era cierto. Despues de hablar con la directora, decidimos que valia la pena mandar al enano. Cuando llegamos a la casa, le dijimos a Sebastian que al dia siguiente iria al colegio. Se puso contento, decia ecul, ecul (school). Pero creo que no entendia bien que iba a pasar exactamente. En la noche,  sacamos del olvido su lonchera de Jorge el Curioso y su mochila de mono -Ambas usadas durante su periodo escolar en Peru-. Apenas las vio, se puso SUPER contento, agarraba su mochila y su lonchera y decia Ecul, ecul. Al dia siguiente cuando lo sentamos en el carro, -bien abrazado de sus aparejos escolares-, lo descubria de rato en rato con una sonrisa nerviosa en su cara diciendo yeee !!, yeee!!. Estaba feliz mi enano. Daba mucha ternura verlo decir yeee !!, cerrar sus ojitos y apretar su carita en una muestra de felicidad. Cuando llegamos al colegio, se metio al toque, tomo la mano de una de las profesoras y entro al salon (se acordaba muy bien de su ritual en Retama). Ya dentro, se sento y se puso a jugar. Pensamos que nos teniamos que quedar un rato, pero el ya estaba en otra. Le dijimos chau hijito ya nos vamos, y nos contesto con un fugaz chau mama, chau papa. Y se quedo feliz !

Auggie por su lado, tuvo su primera mana tranquila en casa, durmio larggggooo rato sin ningun loco bajito griton que lo despierte, comio muy bien, y fue el centro de la atencion de Celestine por unas horas.
Ahora nos tenemos que acostumbrar a una nueva rutina que implica salir de casa media hora mas temprano para llevar al enano al nido. Pero no importa, ver su cara de felicidad y saber que estara compartiendo con otros ninos es simplemente « priceless ». Para todo lo demas existe mastercard J

Otro gran cambio que trajo esta semana fue que Sebastian empezo a usar calzoncillos. Decidimos aprovechar el fin de semana largo (aca el lunes no mas es feriado pascual), y aplicar toda la preparacion que habiamos estado teniendo para empezar a dejar los panales. Desde hace como un mes, le leemos un libro que se llama « Todos hacen caca ». Al enano, -como buen Fajardo- le encanta el libro. Habla de caca todo el dia. De la caca de los animales, de la nuestra, dibuja cacas en los potos de sus dibujos. Caca, caca, caca !!! La preparacion valio la pena. Sebastian agarro el truco al toque. El primer dia se la paso haciendo pichi en su bacin y en el water. Todo un nino grande mi chiqui !! Sus papas, babeaban todos orgullosos del hijo que hace pichi en el bacin. El segundo dia, la cosa se complico un poco porque el enano agarro una diarrea pestifera, y tuvimos que volver al panal. Hoy que esta mejor ha vuelto a sus calzoncillos. La mama se las ingenio para que alguien le trajera unos calzoncillos de entrenamiento, que tienen una capa mas que los normales. Y nos va super bien. Ademas tienen dibujos de animalitos que a Sebastian le encantan J  
Para celebrar pascuas, hice unos gorritos de conejo para los enanos. Pintamos con Sebastian huevos duros (solo encontrar el tinte me costo como 3 semanas. Cuando ya tire la toalla un dia antes de Pascuas, un amigo me conto que el tenia). Y la afanosa de Carla encima hizo unos brownies en cascaras de huevo, que le costaron sudor y lagrimas (literalmente). Todo para que el chiqui tuviera un dia entretenido. Al final, Sebastian estaba tan cansado que no buscamos los huevos, y nos comimos los brownies mientras el dormia. Sin embargo puedo reportar que salieron muy buenos y que en el proceso nos divertimos mucho. Los gorros si fueron debidamente usados y requete-usados J


Weekly picture: Sebastian coming back from his first day in school
Foto de la semana: Sebastian volviendo de su primer dia de clase

1er dia
Going to school for the first time (He will get one of those uniforms :))
Primer dia de escuela (Va e empezar a usar uno de esos uniformes :))

Proud father receiving the offspring after his first day of school
Orgulloso padre, recibe al retono despues de su primer dia de clases

Jugando con el piojo despues del cole
Playing with the little one after school
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Piojos jugando despues de una manana lejos el uno del otro
The boys playing together after being apart for a morning
School makes me hungry
El cole hace que me de hambre
Mira mama, soy un leon  que usa calzoncillos
Look at me mom, I am a lion that uses underwear

Diego y Sebastian celebrando pascuas
Diego and Sebastian celebrating Easter

Los conejitos pascuales
Easter bunnies

Mas conejitos pascuales: En la segunda foto, Diego parece decir a Auggie: Esta bien Auggie, ya va a pasar!!
More Easter bunnies. In the second pic, Diego seems to be saying: It is Ok Auggie, everything will be fine!!

Auggie weekly picture: With Feli and the heat
Auggie foto semanal: Con Feli y el calor
Calatos: La calorrr esta que arde: Antes y despues (Notese el calzoncillo de Sebastian)
Naked: Burning heat: Before and after (note Sebastian's undeerwear)
Ahhh, el bano antes y despues del shampooo!!
Ahhh the bath, before and after shampooing
Que grande que estoy!!!
I am getting sooo big!!!

It's been a busy week, the heat has begun to manifest with all the strength of the hot season. But besides weather changes, we have had many changes in the house ... good changes!!. Last Sunday someone told us that the bi-lingual primary school had reopened and that they were receiving children starting at two years. On Monday, we went to check and it was true. After talking with the director, we decided it was worth sending the chipmunk. 

When we got home, we told Sebastian that the next day he will go to school. He was happy, he was saying ecul, ecul (school). But I think he did not understand exactly what was going to happen. At night, we rescued from oblivion his Curious George lunchbox and his monkey backpack. Both used during his school time in Peru. As soon as he saw them he was SUPER happy!!. He grabbed his backpack and lunch box and it said Ecul, ecul. The next day when he sat in the car, he was hugging his school stuff. I discovered him from time to time with a nervous smile on his face saying yeee!, yeee!. He was soo happy. It was very sweet to see him saying yeee!, Closing his eyes and pressing his face showing how happy he was. When we got to school, he took the hand of one of the teachers and entered the room (he remembered well his ritual at the Peruvian School). Once inside, he sat down and began to play. We thought we had to stay a while, but he was already in another world. We said bye son and we left. He answered with a brief bye mom, bye dad. And stayed happy! 

Auggie, had his first quiet morning at home, slept for looong time without any crazy loud mouth waking him up, ate well, and was the center of attention of Celestine for a few hours.
Now we have to get used to a new routine that involves leaving home half an hour earlier to take Seb to school. But we do not mind, seeing his happy face and know that he will be sharing with other children is simply "priceless." For everything else there is mastercard!! J

This week, we also wanted to celebrate Easter. To celebrate Easter, I made some bunny hats for the kids. Sebastian and I painted boiled eggs (just to find the dye took me about 3 weeks. When I gave up a day before Easter, a friend told me that he had a new box of food dye). And because I am  a over achiever. I even made brownies inside eggshells, which costed me sweat and tears (literally). Everything to have a fun day with Sebastian. In the end, Sebastian was too tired to hunt for eggs, and we ate the brownies while he was sleeping. However I can report that the brownies were very good and we had fun during the process of making the eggs. The hats were properly used and re-used (as you can see in the pics)

This week also brought another big change. Sebastian began to wear underwear. We decided to use the long weekend, and apply all the preparation we had with Seb to start leaving the diapers. Since about a month ago, we read a book called "Everyone poops." The little chipmunk –as good Fajardo he is- loves the book. Talk about poop all day!. From animal poop, from our own, draws poop in his drawings. Poop, poop, poop!!! The preparation was worth it. Sebastian got it very quickly. The first day he did pipi in the potty training and the toilet. Such a big boy my little one!! His parents, drooling, all proud of the son who does pipi in the potty. The second day, things got a bit complicated because SEB got a stinky diarrhea and had to return to the diapers. Today he is feeling better and is starting again with the training pants. His mommy managed to get someone to bring him some training pants, which have an extra layer to keep accidents away. They are working very well. They even have pictures of animals that Sebastian loves 

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