Monday, April 16, 2012

12/52 week / Semana 12/52

This week has been a little bit crazy, I could not take many pictures. Sebastian and I got sick with a nasty cold. Auggie was holding, a little bit congested but overall fine. I think his mommy milk was helping to fight the viruses that are around us these days. Our friend Matt was also sick. And Celestine got sick towards the end of the week. Sebastian missed almost the whole week of school. But towards the end of the week he was his old self, jumping, running and laughing as usual.

On Sunday after speaking with Grandpa and Grandma Hoke we went back home (we were at the office waiting for the electricity to come back to our house), bathed the boys and gave dinner to Seb. We left him on his chair. I was feeding Auggie and Jason was washing something in the kitchen. Next time I checked Sebastian, the poor boy had fell asleep on his chair eating his second serving of peas and rice (that is his weekly picture).

Auggie is 5 months today. I will take his monthly picture during lunchtime today. He is moving a lot, turning right and left, playing with his feet (eating them- see his weekly pic) and smiling a lot. He is such a good  guy. My friend Eliana who is 7 months pregnant tells the baby in her belly to be a nice boy like Auggie :)

 Esta semana ha sido un poco loca, no pude tomar muchas fotos. Sebastian y yo caimos enfermos con una gripe del mal horrible. Auggie esta resistiendo. El esta un poco congestionado, pero bastante bien. Creo que la leche materna lo esta ayudando a hacer frente a esos virus que nos atacan estos dias. Nuestro amigo Matt tambien cayo enfermo y Celestine lo mismo ya hacia el final de la semana. Sebastian falto al colegio casi toda la semana. Ya hacia el final de la semana se empezo a sentir mejor. Ya empezo a saltar, correr y reir como siempre.

El domingo, despues de hablar con sus abuelos paternos volvimos a la casa (estabamos en la oficina huyendo del calor hasta que llegase la electricidad a casa), banamos a los enanos y le dimos de cenar a Sebastian. Lo dejamos comiendo en su silla. Yo estaba dando leche a Auggie y Jason lavando platos en la cocina. Cuando volvi a ver a Sebastian, el pobre enano se habia quedado dormido en su silla comiendo su segundo plato de alverjitas verdes con arroz (esa es su foto de la semana)

Auggie cumple 5 meses hoy. A la hora de almuerzo le tomare su foto mensual. El enano se mueve un monton, gira de izquierda a derecha, juega con sus pies (y se los come - vean su foto semanal) y sonrie muchisimo. Es un bueno el Auggie. Mi amiga Elianana que tene 7 meses de embarazao, le dice a su panza que sea un buen nino como Auggie :)

Foto de la semana: Cansadisimo despues de un dia de harto juego y no siesta
Weekly picture: Super tired after a day of playing a lot and no nap

Weekly picture: Auggie "eating" his foot
Foto de la semana: Auggie comiendo su pie
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Divertimento del fin de semana
Having fun during the weekend
Fun during the week
Divertimento en la semana
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Mas diversion con Cele y Feli
More fun with Cele and Feli
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Sebastian el mono
Sebastian the monkey
Pobre padre, el mono no para!!
Poor daddy, the monkey does not stop!!
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Mami y Auggie se van a cocinar (este coso es lo maximo, nos hemos convertido al Ergo baby...Gracias Cachito!!)
Mom and Auggie go to cook (this thing is awesome, we are big fans of Ergo baby now...Thanks Cachito!!)
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I do not know what happened, or who took this pic, but it is funny to see the boys faces. And Auggie's crazy hair f course!
No se quien tomo esta foto, ni que pasaba en ese momento, pero las caras de los enanos son super divertidas. Y tambien las pelambres desquiciadas del Auggie!!
Auggie wearing the onesie his Grandma Grace sent to him. And the havaianas that his aunt Mariana Vidal gave to Sebastian and he is now using.
Auggie con el bebecrece que le mando su abuela Grace y las havaianas que le regalo su tia Mariana Vidal a Sebastian y que ahora el usa (al menos para la foto jiji)

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