Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week 10/52 // Semana 10/52

Esta semana fue de Pascuas. Los enanos fueron a la fiesta de su amiga Zahra que cumplia anos y que tenia una fiesta por Pascuas...yeeh. Los chikis no entendian mucho cual era el asunto. Sebastian estaba algo emocionado con la busqueda de huevos, solo porque creia que eran huevos de Dinosaurios :). Sebas jugo con la pinhata. Pero no quiso saber nada con los juegos comunales :(. Eso si, estuvo muy interesado en la torta de cumpleanos :)

Nos fuemos a la playa por Viernes Santo y los chicos como siempre la pasaron mostro en la arena.

Esta semana fuimos a la embajada a renovar el pasaporte de Sebastian que ya se lleno. Pasamos malabares para obtener la bendita foto de 2 pulgadas por 2 pulgadas. Pero al final, el enano coopero y creo que tenemos una foto decente. Sebastian tendra su nuevo pasaporte en dos semanas.

This week was Easter. The boys went to their friend's Zahra birthday party. She had also a Easter theme, so it was perfect. The boys participated in the Easter activities but did not get much of what the whole thing was about. Sebastian only got excited about the eggs because he thought they were dinosaurs' eggs :). They played with the pinhata, but Sebas did not want anything to do with the group games. He was more interested in the cake :)

On Good Friday we went to the beach and the kids had a great time playing in the sand.

This week we also went to the Embassy to renew Sebas' passport that is already full. It was hard to get the 2X2 inches picture, but in the end he cooperated and I think we got a decent pic. In two weeks he will have his new passport.


Pic of the week: Easter Bunny
Foto de la semana: Conejo de Pascua

Foto de la semana: Chupeteo paterno
Pic of the wee: Paternal kisses
Having fun in the ocean / Divirtiendose en el agua
Making sand cakes / Haciendo tortas de arena
Jacha/Cochino/Dirty face
Amor del bueno / Good love
Ya van quedando las tortas / The cakes are almost ready
ahh, my kind of cake!! / Esta es la torta que me gusta mas!!
Pinturitas / Painting
Little bunny / Conejito
Making Easter eggs / Pintando huevos de pascua
How do I look? / Como me veo?
Le jalo o no le jalo el pelo?
Should I pull her hair..or not?
Atacando al conejo pascual! / Attacking the easter bunny!!
Having fun helping with the pinata!! / Divirtiendose como ayudante de la pinhata!
Auggie, I have to tell you a secret!!
Auggie, te voy a contar un secreto...!!
Alexa, you would not believe what Anais just told me!
Alexa, no me vas a creer lo que Anais me acaba de contar!!
Where are the eggs/ // Donde estan los huevos?
Only sleeping you will put those silly ears on my head!!
Solo dormido me pondras esas orejas sonsas en mi cabeza!!
easter fun
Juegos de a dos!
Playing in couples!!
Happy BIrthday Zahra!!
Exhaustos!!!  / Exhausted!! (3)
Reo #2654
Mug shot #2654

1 comment:

  1. Esta buena la foto para el pasaporte. Se le ve muy guapo y decente.
