Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 35/52 // Semana 35//52

We went to the beach yeee!! We had a great day with the kids. My friend Julia, who I met in Chad and it is now in Haiti, took us to Ouanga Beach (more and less 4 beaches after Obama Beach) in the north part of the country. It is a small beach of crystalline waters. Sebastian had a blast, he was inside the water as soon as I put his vest on. He is fearless, and was swimming in "Nemo's House" as if it was his natural element. Julita helped me a lot with him and spent a lot of time with him in the water. Auggie was a happy bug as ever, and spent a lot of time playing with my mom. After the beach we went to a play date with other babies. Sebastian was the oldest in the group but had a great time.

Nos fuimos a la playa yeee!!! Tuvimos un dia excelente con los ninos. Mi amiga Julia, a quien conoci en Chad y que ahora tambien vive en Haiti, nos llevo a Ouanga Beach (mas o menos unas 4 playas despues de la playa Obama), en el norte de Haiti. Es una playa chiquita con aguas cristalinas. Sebastian se la paso bomba, estaba ya en el agua apenas le puse su chaleco flotador. El enano no tiene miedo de estar en "la casa de Nemo", es como si estuviera en su elemento natural. Julita me ayudo un monton con el enano y se paso jugando con el en el agua. Auggie estaba contento como siempre, jugando con su mama Betty. Despues de la playa nos fuimos a una reunion de un grupo de bebes. Sebastian era el mas viejo, pero igual se la paso muy bien.

Ouanga Beach // Playa Ouanga

Weekly pic: Quiet at the beach // Foto de la Semana: Calmado en la playa

Weekly pic: Having fun with mama Betty // Foto de la semana: Divirtiendome con mama Betty
Being Nemo / Nemo
Juntando piedritas // Collecting stones
Dos quesos en la playa //Teo pieces of cheese at the beach
Mas Nemo // More Nemo
Beautiful boy // Chico guapisimo (como su madre)

Too much salt in my eyes // Mucha sal en mis ojos
Beach lovers // Loquitos por la playa
Jugando con chicas // PLaying with girls
Focus // Concentrados
Really focus // Muy concentrado
Mom, I do not knwo if this car is for me//Mama, no se si me gusta este modelo de carro
A sus amrcas, listos, fuera!!! / Set, ready, go!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 34/52 //Semana 34/52

Jason left for Chad on Monday, my mom arrived to Haiti on Monday, Sebastian started school on Monday. Sooo many changes. Having my mom here has been a blessing, she is helping a lot, I do not know how I will do it without her these 6 weeks.. The kids are having fun, but Sebas is acting a little bit more jealous that normal with Auggie. I have the feeling it is because his daddy is not here.

Jason se fue el lunes, Mama Betty llego el lunes, Sebastian comenzo el colegio el lunes. Un monton de cambios. Tener a mi mama conmigo es una bendicion, ella me esta ayudando muchisimo. No se que haria sola estas 6 semanas. Los chicos estan bien aunque Sebastian esta siendo un poco mas celoso de lo habitual con uggie. Creo que es prque su papa no esta.

Auggie & Seb

Foto de la semana para ambos: Los hemanos monos
Weekly picture for both of them: The Monkey Brothers

Upps, I cannot seee!! // No puedo ver!!!
Ahh ya puedo ver!!! // Ahh I can see now!!
Talking on the phone to his dad in Chad. He is showing him Zazu his "Oiseaux"  (he now says bird  only in French)
Hablando por telefono con su papa en Chad, ensenadole su "oiseaux" (ahora dice pajaro solo en frances)
Disfrutando los regalos que trajo la mama Betty
Enjoying the goodies Mama Betty brought for them
Hoarder // Acaparador
Abu/Nieto // Grandma//Grandson
Abu/Nieto // Grandma//Grandson
Tired!!! // Cansado!!! 
Jugando con madera!! // Playing with wood!!

Primer dia de clases / First day of school
Primer dia de clases / First day of school

Auggie 10 meses // Auggie 10 months

Mi chiqui esta creciendo muy rapido. Aqui lo tienen bien peinadito y lavadito. Ya tiene cara de grande :(

Mi little Auggie is growing very fast. Here he is clean and with his hair combed. He has a grown up face :(


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Asi se recibieron mis chicos / This is how the boys greeted each other

I forgot to include this picture in the previous entry. The boys embraced each other in such a loving hug, that made this crazy mommy cry. Auggie was following Seba for a while pulling him from his clothes. Of course, after 10 minutes everything was back to normal and Sebastian was pushing Auggie to the floor :) The delights of brotherhood!!

Me olvide de incluir esta foto en la entrada anterior. Los chicos se dieron un abrazo tan amoroso cuando se volvieron a ver, que hicieron que esta mamacita se pusiera a llorar de la emocion. Auggie seguia a Seba jalandolo del polo a todo lado. Por supuesto despues de 10 minutos todo volvio a la normalidad y Sebastian andaba empujando a Auggie al suelo. Las delicias de la hermanitud!!!


Semana 33/52// Week 33/52

Carla and Auggie left for Burundi this week. Mom had a meeting in Bujumbura the whole week. Sebas and Jason stayed in Port au Prince. Auggie was such a good sport and never complained during the trip (loooong one!!!), he was just the opposite, he kept smiling to whoever looked at him People kept tell me, he is such a happy boy!!, the best was in Miami, when we were in the same elevator with one of my favorite latin singers (Carlos Vives). He was smiling at Auggie and saying hello to him. Then he told me that my baby was very cute. While he was saying that I was thinking, you are the cute one !!! :)

We went to see the famous Burundian drummers at the office in Bujumbura, Auggie di not cry and was very focus looking at those amazing drummers jumping so high, that I think they were going to jump over me.

On Sunday, the four of us were finally together. We had some people over to take advantage of a swimming pool that we have in the complex that we are staying until finding our own place.Sebastian was running naked and swimming just with his floaters. He refuses to wear his swim suit after he leaves the pool for the first time. He says that they are wet and he does not like to be wet. Who understands this boy!!!

Carla y Auggie se fueron a Burundi. Tuve una reunion en Bujumbura toda la semana. Sebas y Jason se quedaron en Puerto Principe. Auggie fue un capo, durante todo el viaje nunca se quejo (y fue uno bien largo!!!), al contrario se la paso sonriendo a quien le diera bola.La gente me decia, que nino tan feliz tienes!! Lo mejor paso en Miami, compartimos el ascensor con Carlos Vives, uno de mis cantantes queridos. Carlos Vives, estaba que le sonreia al Auggie y le decia Hola, hola!! Y luego me miro (directo a los ojos :)) y me dijo que mi bebe era muy lindo!!. Cuando me decia eso, yo por dentro decia, no el lindo eres tu!!! :)

En Bujumbura vimos a los famosos tamborilleros de Burundi en la oficina de mi chamba. Auggie no lloro y estaba muy concentrado viendo saltar a los bailarines; tan alto que pense que iban a pasar sobre mi cabeza.

El Domingo, llegamos de vuelta a PaP, y los 4 por fin estuvimos de nuevo juntos. En el almuerzo 3 familias vinieron para pasarla en la piscina que hay en el conjunto de departamentos donde estamos quedandonos hasta encontrar nuestra casa. Sebastian anduvo corriendo calato y nadando solo con sus flotadores. El enano se niega a usar ropa de bano despues de salir de la piscina por pirmera vez. Dice que la ropa de bano esta mojada y no le gusta andar mojado. Quien entiende a este chico!!

Weekly pic: Naked Foto de la semana: Calato

THe youngest CRS staff
Weekly pic: Office boy (My office gave Auggie a CRS t-shirt his size)
 Foto de la semana: Chico de oficina (Mi oficina le regalo a Auggie un polo con el logo de CRS)
With Egide
With Egide watching the drummers (see next pic)'
Con Egide mirando a los tamborilleros (ver la siguiente foto)

Burundian drummers (this is what Auggie was watching)
Tamborilleros BUrundeses (Eso es lo que Auggie veia)
With Schola
Con mi amiga Schola // With my friend Schola

Loco calato / Naked nut
Mas locos calatos//More naked nuts
Chicos guapos //Handsome boys
Temb attack // El ataque de Tembo
Con la Julita // With Julie

Monday, September 10, 2012

Semana 32/52 // Week 32/52

Esta semana mama se fue al Nor-Este del pais, a la frontera con Santo Domingo. A pesar de no haber estado nunca alli, senti como que conocia un poco el lugar. Hace unos (muchos) anos lei un libro sobre esta zona y la matanza de Haitianos en Republica Dominicana que me impacto mucho, las imagenes del libro se me venian a cada rato durante el viaje. Auggie no fue esta vez conmigo, asi que los dos enanos se quedaron con su papa (no me esponsabilizo de las fotos de esta semana :) )

Aqui un par de fotitos de la zona (hechas con el telefono). La primera es del Fuerte Libertad, construid bajo la batuta de Luis XV para defender el lugar de invasiones. Esta parte del pais es tambien conocida porque aqui llego Colon y es donde la Carabela Santa Maria se hundio contra un arrecife coralino. No se si se nota en la foto, pero las paredes del fuerte estan hechas de coral y conchas ademas de piedra.

La segunda es de la Citadel un fuerte en las montanas contruido por un general Haitiano para defenderse de las invasiones de Napoleon. A la ida se veia desde el avion de lejos. Pero a la vuelta, pregunte a los pilotos (dominicanos ellos) donde deberia senatrme para ver el fuerte mejor. No solo me sentaron en el mejor asiento sino que se desviaron hasta pasar literalmente encima del fuerte, la vista era espectacular, pero no tenia buena camara Si siguen el enlace debajo podran ver una mejor foto de la construccion. Al final del viaje agradeci a los pilotos por su gentileza, y en tipica respuesta dominicana me dijeron: A tu servicio mami!!

This week mama was traveling to the North east of the country, close to the border with the Dominican Republic. Despite the fact that was never there before, I felt like I already knew the place, years ago I read a book about this areas and the killings of Haitians in the hands of the Dominicans, it really made an impact on me.  Auggie stayed with his dad this time ( i do not take responsibility for this week's pictures :))

I am also including a couple of pictures of the area (took with my phone). The  first one is Fort Liberte, built under Louis XV, King of France to defend the place from invasions. This part of the country is also known as the place were the main ship of Christopher Columbus, the Santa Maria sank agains a coral reef. I do not know if you can see that the walls of the fort are made with corals and shells besides stone.

The second one is the Citadel a fort in the mountains built by a Haitian general to repel Napoleon invasions. I saw it from far in my way to the North East. In my way back I asked the pilots of the planes (They were from the DR) were should I sit to see the fort better. They not only gave me the best seat, but also flew literally above the fort, so that I could have the best view. Unfortunately I did not have a good camera. You can see a better picture in the link below. In the end I thanked the pilots and in a very Dominican fashion they told me: At your service mami!!

Fort Liberte

Weekly pic: again in teh bathroom //Foto de la semana: Otra vez en el bano


Weekly picture: Mommy, I can read!! Foto de la semana: Mama, puedo leer!!

Making dinosaurs // Haciendo dinosaurios
Toy Story 1, Toy Story 2 (the new distinction that Sebastian does about his favorite movie)
Toy Story 1, Toy Story 2 (la nueva separacion de pelas que Sebas hace ahora de su pelicula favorita)
Durmiendo a pierna suelta // Deep asleep
Arrocito, arrocito!!! Rice, Rice!!!