Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 22/52 // Semana 22/52

Y se acabaron nuestras aventuras por estas tierras, salimos manana hacia los Estados Unidos a visitar a la familia de Jason y presentar a Auggie en sociedad. Luego, nos vamos a Haiti a comenzar nuestras andanzas por alla.

And our adventures in Chad come to an end. Tomorrow we leave to the US to visit Jason's family and to introduce Auggie to society there :), after we will go to Haiti to start a new journey over there.


Weekly Pic: El Taliban // Foto de la semana: El Taliban
Jugando con cajas / Playing with boxes
Playing with boxes...and daddy / Jugando con cajas... y con papa
Me encantan las cajas/// I love boxes

Mommy, I am sooo cooll!!! // Mama, son tan lo maximo yo!!!
Loqueandose con el tio Taliban :) // Being crazy with his Taliban uncle :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 21/52 // Semana 21/52

Casi nuestra ultima semana por aca. Casi nada de fotos y no muy buenas, pero al menos seguimos. Pasamos un dia del padre tranquilo, comiendo chanchito que estuvimos guardando por semanas para la ocasion (nuestro proevedor de chancho no siempre tiene el producto). Sebastian y yo pintamos una camiseta para que Auggie la luzca por el dia del padre (no sale muy bien en la foto).

Sebastian es hincha total del Rey Leon, se cree leon, pero no necesariamente Simba, sino su papa: Mufasa. La primera vez que la vio vino encogido de hombros, mirando al suelo, con una voz tristisima y dijo: Mama, papa roarrr ohh nooo!! las vacas mama, papa roarrr ohh noo!! En su idioma nos contaba que los "Wild beasts" (-no encuentro la traduccion en castellano, pero son una especie de ciervos muy grandes) habian matado al rey Mufasa, y que era una pena. El las llama Vacas :).

Asi que como anda rugiendo a todo el mundo, decidi hacerle unas unas de leon, la idea la saque de un blog, donde alguien habia hecho eso para su hija que queria ser carnivora. Sebastian rugia con sus unas y se diviritio mucho cuando yo me puse las unas y su papa y y jugabamos a repetir la escena donde los leones usan sus garras para luchar.

Almost our last week here in Chad. Almost no pictures, and not very good ones, but at least something not to break the process. We had a quiet father's day. We ate pork that we saved for a few weeks for the day (our pork provider does not have pork all the time). Sebastian and I painted one of Auggie's onesies, so that Auggie could wear that for Jason during father's day (you cannot really see it in the pic).

Sebastian is fan N#1 of the Lion King, he thinks he is a lion, but not necessarily Simba, but his father: Mufasa. The first time he saw the movie, he come looking to the ground and with his shoulders down, and with a very sad voice he said: Mama, papa roarr ohhh nooo!!! the cows Mama, papa roarrrr ohhh noooo!!! In his language he was saying that the wild beats had killed Mufasa, and that was very sad. He calls the wild beasts cows :).

He roars to everybody now. I decided to gave him lion claws. I took the idea from a blog, where a mother did that for her daughter that wanted to be a carnivore. Sebastian roared with his claws and had fun when I wore them and me and his dad re-enacted a part of the movie where the lions used their claws to fight :).


El enano es fan de mi kindle, le gusta jugar juegos de memoria y de sonidos de animales. En la foto anda todo concentrado buscando hacer coincidir las figuritas de su juego.// Sebas is a kindle's fan, he likes memory games and animal sounds. In the picture he is very focus looking to match an animal in the memory game
Mufasa, Mufasa!!! Roarrrrr!!!

Happy Father's Day daddy / Feliz Dia del Padre papa!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Month 7 / Mes 7

Auggie turned 7 months last Saturday. He is a very happy and smiley guy. Jason just told me that he thought Sebastian was a happy baby, but Auggie seems to be even happier. He loves his brother, and wants to play with him. When Sebastian plays Auggie always follows what the big bro is doing and smiles and makes happy sounds and moves a lot as if he was saying, I want to play too!!!

Auggie cumplio 7 meses el sabado. El enano es un chico feliz y sonrie casi todo el tiempo.Jason justo me decia que el pensaba que Sebastian fue un bebe feliz. Pero Auggie parece que es mas feliz todavia. El chiqui adora a su hermano, y siempre quiere jugar con el. Cuando Sebastian juega, Auggie siempre esta atento a lo que el hermano grande esta haciendo y sonrie y gorgojea sonidos felices y se mueve muchisimo, como diciendo: Yo tambien queiro jugar!!!

Mami, y asi de costadito esta bien? // Mommy, what about on my side? 
Mama, apurate que me caigo!! / Mommy harry up!! I am falling!!

He has changed a lot!! // Realmente el enano a cambiado muchisimo!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week 20/52 // Semana 20/52

So many things to say, so little time to spare. I spent the weekend packing and packing and packing, with a little munchkin climbing all over the trunks and luggage. I also went to see camels, but did not take the kids because it was to hot outside. I just wanted a shot with them. Jason is still in the field (second week) and by the day I have more and more respect for those mothers who take care of their kids by themselves.

Tantas cosas que decir, tan poco tiempo que perder. Me pase el fin de semana empacando, con un pequeno roedor que se trepaba por todos los baules y maletas. Tambien fui a ver camellos. No lleve a los chicos porque estaba haciendo mucho calor. Solo queria fotografiar los camellos antes de irme. Jason sigue en el campo (segunda semana). Cada dia que pasa sin mi chico mi respeto a aquellas madres que cuidan a sus hijos solas crece mas y mas.

pancamellos pancam2d


Weekly picture: With my little chinese smile // Foto de la semana: Con mi sonrisa de chinito
Mama me choree las llaves de la puerta// Mom, I stole the door's key
More chinese smile // Mas sonrisa chinita
MMM esta mano esta mas rica!!!/ MMM this hand is really yummy!!

Ahh la vaca, ya llego..llegue!! Ahh the cow, here I go, I got it!!

Weekly pic: Naked by the pool at 5.30 am //Calato al lado de la piscina a las 5.30 am
Jorobando mientras empacaba // Being naughty while I was packing
Mama, playdoh tastes sooo goood!!// Mama, la plastilina sabe mas rico!!
Nadie se lleva mis cacharpas // Nobody will take MY stuff

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 19/52 // Semana 19/52

This week Auggie and his mom went to the south for work. A friend of mine helped me to take care of Auggie while I was working, it was a quick trip and Auggie behaved really well.

He made friends with the lady at the bar of hour hotel in Moundou. It was very funny how much fun the ladies had with him at the bar. Moundou is a place where a lot of chinese investment is happening (OIL, OIL, OIL and roads!). So, new nicer hotels are appearing here and there. We found the hotel after being rejected from our regular hotels because the chinese already took them all.

Sebastian had fun playing with the chalks his tia Sara sent to him, he was painting his body (as usual, whatever type of painting he has, he uses his body as a canvas :)).

Esta semana Auggie y su mama se fueron al sur del Chad por trabajo. Una amiga mia me ayudo a cuidar a Auggie mientras yo trabajaba. Fue un viaje rapido y el Auggie se porto muy bien.

Auggie hizo amistad inmediata con la chica que atendia el bar de nuestro hotel en Moundou. Fue gracioso ver como se divertian las chicas con el Auggie en el bar. Moundou es una ciudad donde actualmente hay mucha inversion china (Petroleo, Petroleo, Petroleo!! y Carreteras!!) Hoteles andan ahora apareciendo para  cubrir la demanda de los chinos. Encontramos nuestro hotel despues de ser repudiados en nuestros hoteles de siempre que ya habian sido tomados por trabajadores chinos.

Sebastian se divirtio jugando con las tizas que le mando su tia Sarandela. Se pintaba el cuerpo con las tizas (se pinta el cuerpo con cualquier pintura que le presentemos, usa su cuerpo como lienzo :))


Foto de la semana: Auggie y Sophie
Weekly pic: Auggie and Sophie
Tomando su lechita (me encanta su carita de relax)/ Drinking his milk ( I loved his relaxed face)
Purito amor / Pure love
Con su amiga en el bar. With his friend at the bar
Vendiendo chelas / Selling beer
De regreso a casa/ Back at home
Receiving his friend's visit/ Recibiendo la visita de sus amigas

Jugando con las tizas que le mando la tia Sara / Playing with the chalk Tia Sara sent to him
More chalk / Mas tiza
Haciendo travesuras con las tizas 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 18/52 // Semana 18/52

I am very late, but I was able to finally upload the pictures for this week
Estoy recontra atrazada, pero al menos pude subir las fotos hoy.

Weekly pic: With Bergo's brothers / Foto de la semana: Con los hermanos de Bergo

Enjoying the puppies: He will call the puppies: Puppy, puppy ven (come!)
Disfrutando a los cachorritos: Los llamaba diciendo Puppy (perrito), puppy ven!!

Mirando a su papa jugar tenis / Looking at his daddy playing tennis
Jugando con el ciervo en el club de tenis. En la base militar francesa. Tocaba su poto y le decia: caca, caca!!!
Playing with a gazelle at the tennis club at the French army base. He touched its butt and said poop, poop!!
En el columpio del club de tenis / On the swing at the tennis club. 
Jugando con los embolillados que le regalaron en su santo
Playing with an art project that he received during his birthday
Mira mama ya no estoy!! // Look at me mama, I am not here!!
Listening (for quite a while) to traditional chinese music coming from the neighbor's house on the other side of the wall. Later he will follow the music outside the house and say Mama Mama Betty, Mama Betty!!. He remembered that my mom used to do Tai chi with that music and with the neighbor.
Escuchando musica (por un buen rato) tradicional china que venia de la casa del vecino al otro lado de la pared. Luego se fue siguiendo el sonido de la musica hasta la calle y empezo a decir: Mama Betty, Mama Betty!!. EL enano se acordaba que mi mama hacia Tai Chi con esa musica y con la vecina china.

Foto de la semana: Auggie "El Hooligan" / Weekly pic: Auggie "The Hooligan"