Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Las andanzas de Auggie en Peru / Auggie's wanderings in Peru

Aqui un recuento de las andanzas de Auggie en Perucito. El enano salia a la calle desde que nacio. La gente nos reprochaba por sacarlo tan chiquito a pataperrear. El Auggie se fue a un matri, a la playa (solo dentro de casa eh, tann bestia no soy), a Santa Eulalia a pasar ano nuevo, de paseo por aqui y por alla. Una pena que en las fotos no se note bien donde esta. Pero al menos pueden ver que se la paso de mano en mano con todas sus primas, tios, tias, y demas caragadores.

Here a recount of Auggie's wanderings in Peru. The little munchkin was going out just a few days after being born. People will tell us that he was too small to be out. Auggie went to a wedding, to the beach (indoors only), to the countryside to spend New Year's eve, etc. Too bad that you cannot see where he is in the pictures. At least you can see that he was passing from arm to arm with all his uncles, cousins, aunts....

I love the pic with his hand on his face, as if he was saying, ok please enough, do not embarrass me anymore.

Me encanta la foto con su mano en su cara, como diciendo: suficiente, por favor no me averguencen mas.

Monday, January 30, 2012

1/52 weeks / 1/52 semanas

Hace tiempo queria hacer un proyecto fotografico. Y por fin me decidi a hacer un 52 semanas. El nombre lo dice todo, es tomar una foto cada semana y subirla al blog. El tema son los chiquis. Una manera de documentar el primer ano de vida de Auggie y de hermano de Sebastian. Se que habran semanas que estare tentada a tirar la toalla, pero me motiva el hecho de poder ver a los enanos en este proceso de crecer. Aqui va la primera semana. La escogida para ser parte del album final sera siempre la primera foto.

Foto:Auggie se aprende a sentar con su Mama Betty. Tratare de tomar las fotos los fines de semana y subirla los lunes. Aqui algunas mas de este finde.
Pic: Auggie learns with Mama Betty how to sit. I will try to take the pictures on weekends and upload them on Mondays. Here some more from the weekend.

Its been a while since I wanted to start a photography project. I finally decided to start a 52 weeks. The name says it all, I need to take a picture every week and post it in the blog. The main subject are the children. It is a way to document Auggie's first year and Sebastian's first year as a brother. I know there will be weeks that I will be very tired and ready to give up, but I am very motivated by the opportunity to see the kids in their growth process.Here the first week, the first picture of the post will always be the one that will be part of the final 52 week album.

Auggie y Celestine: Sebastian anda medio celofan de esta nueva relacion. No se por donde andaba cuando tome esta foto, pero hay momentos en que la pobre Celestine, se pone uno en la espalda y carga al otro en los brazos para no dejar a ninguno abandonado. Ese punche yo no tengo!
Auggie & Celestine: Sebastian is a litle bit jealous of this relationship. I do not know where he was when I took this picture. But there are moments in which poor Celestine has to carry one on her back and the other one on her arms, so that no one will feels abandoned. I do not have that energy!!

Sebastian sigue super interesado en los rompecabezas, le encanta armarlos y desarmarlos. Este de George el curioso es uno de sus favoritos.
Sebastian is still very interested in puzzles. He loves to put them together and to take them apart. The one in the picture is Curious George, one of his favorites.

Aqui explorando tierra de maceteros. No para este enano!!
Here exploring the soil in the pots. He does not stop!!

1. No se como agrandar las fotos en el blog sin distorsionarlas, me voy al Html y cambio los numeros, pero pierden nitidez. Algun capo o capa que pueda ayudarme con esto?
2. Si le dan un click a la foto, esta se abre en otra ventana con el tamano original. Es util, especialmente cuando las fotos son muy chiquitas y no pueden ver mucho detalle.

1. I do not know how to enlarge the pictures in the blog without losing quality. I go to the Html and change the numbers, but they lose quality. Anyone that can help me with it?
2. If you click in any picture, the picture will open in another window on its original size. Specially helpful when the picture is too small and one cannot see much detail.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Becoming Nemo / Convirtiendose en Nemo

Sebastian loved his swimming lessons in Peru. After finishing the school year at the day care, we did not know what to do with so much free time for him (you know, he is a very active and spirited little boy), so swimming was an excellent activity for him. After the first day of lessons, he fell sleep from 4 pm until the next day. As my friend Mar will say: Success!! The first time Seb saw the Swimming pool he said Nemo, Nemo, water, water. He was a happy boy!!!

Sebastian amo sus clases de natacion en Peru. Despues de terminar el nido, no sabiamos que hacer con tanto tiempo, y la natacion fue una excelente salida (Los que lo conocen, saben que mi chiqui es super activo). El pimer dia despues de la natacion se quedo dormido desde las 4 de la tarde hasta el dia siguiente. Como diria mi amiga la Mar...Exitos!!!. Desde que el enano vio la piscina, empezo a decir Nemo, nemo, agua, agua. Y fue feliz!!!

Con Pappu en la playa / With Pappu at the beach

Sebastian re-baptized my dad as "Pappu", they got along very well, it was very nice to see them together, specially because Sebastian looks a lot like my dad. These pics are from the day we went to the beach at 8am in the morning.

Sebastian re-bautizo a mi papa como "Pappu", los dos se llevaron recontra bien, fue bien lindo verlos juntos, especialmente porque el enano se parece muchisimo a mi viejito. Estas fotos son del dia que nos fuimos a la playa a las 8 de la manana.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Navidad / Christmas

Aqui unas fotos de la temporada navidena. Fue la primera vez que tuvimos arbol de navidad. Nos parecio que seria divertido para Sebastian. Y tuvimos razon, el enano se divirtio muchisimo con el arbol. NOs ayudo a armarlo y a ponerle sus adornitos. Tambien ayudo a mi mama a decorar su arbol. Fue bonito tener el arbol, nos dio esa sensacion de "espiritu Navideno" que buscabamos.

Here a few pics from X-mas season. It was the first time we had a tree. We thought it will be fun for Sebastian. And we were right, he had a lot of fun helping putting up the tree and the decorations. He also helped with the decorations at my mom's house. It was nice to have the tree, it gave the house the "Christmas Spirit" that we were looking for.

Al infinito y mas alla... / To infinity and beyond...

Everything started when his uncle Vaca bought Sebastian this little tiny Toy Story characters...Now, Sebastian is in love with Buzz Lightyear (Buzz), Woody (Udi, papa), Jesse (Yisi, mama) and all the characters from Toy Story. He wakes up asking for Buzz y laughs out loud, yells and makes faces every single time he watches the movie (several of you have witnessed that). When he wore his Buzz t-shirt for the first time, we would not take it off for two days. Sebastian even decorated the X-mas tree with his Toy Story toys. He does not watch the movie everyday anymore, but still plays with his toys every day.

Todo empezo cuando el tio vaca le compro unos juguetitos chiquitos de Toy Story al chiqui... Ahora, Sebastian anda enamorado de Buzz Lightyear (buzz), Woody (udi, papa), Jesse (yisi, mama) y de todos los personajes de Toy Story. Se despierta preguntando por Buzz y se mata de la risa, grita y gesticula cada vez que ve la pelicula (varios de ustedes son testigos oculares). Cuando le pusimos su polo de buzz por primera vez no pudimos sacarselo en dos dias. Sebastian incluso decoro el arbol de navidad con sus munequitos de toy story. Hoy ya no ve la pelicula cada dia, pero sigue jugando con sus juguetes todos los dias.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

La Fiesta de Cumpleanos / Sebastian Birthday Party (Dec. 17.2011)

Aprovechando la presencia de mucha familia y amigos, decidimos hacerle una fiesta de cumpleanos a Sebastian. El enano empezo la fiesta durmiendo. Pero luego se puso al dia y se divirtio muchisimo. Aqui las pruebas.

Taking advantage of the presence of family and friends, we decided to have a birthday party for Sebastian. He started the party sleeping, but he quickly caught up and had a lot of fun.

Tuvimos de todo, bebes, ninos, ninos grandes, grandes, grandes ninos, ninos de espiritu...de todo!!

We had everything, babies, kids, big kids, grown ups, grown up kids, kids in spirit, everything!!!

The Babies/ Los Bebes
Los bebes y sus mamas, tias, madrinas.../
The babies and their mothers, aunts, godmothers
Los Ninos y las Ninas / The kids
Los chicos grandes / The big kids

The Grown ups

Los bebes, ninos, chicos, grandes... /
The babies, toddlers, kids, big kids, grown ups
Las amigas de Auggie / Auggie's friends

Sebastian se la paso bomba, jugo, jugo y jugo. Lo mas paja de la fiesta fue ver al chiqui tan feliz!!

Sebastian had a lot of fun, he played, played, and played. That was the best part of the party, seeing how much fun he had!

Y al final, soplamos velas y comimos torta!!
In the end, we blew candles and eat cake!

Luego de la fiesta nos fuimos todos a comer, incluido el tio Juancho que no pudo llegar a la fiesta. Sebastian siguio jugando en los juegos del restaurant, su cara estaba toda roja y su pelo super mojado. No se porque no tengo fotos de toda la familia aqui (tengo que planear mejor mis fotos). Sebastian termino el dia como comenzo. Durmiendo!!

After the party, all the family went to have lunch, including tio Juancho that could not make it to the party. At the restaurant, Sebastian continued to play and play and play in the ball pit. His face was all red and his hair wet. I do not know why I do not have pictures of all the family here (I have to plan better my pictures). Sebastian finished his day the same way he started it. Sleeping!!

On December 29, we had a small family gathering to celebrate Sebastian real birthday date. Olenkita (my brother's daughter) celebrated her birthday a day before, so we had the two of them sharing the cake.

El 29 de diciembre, tuvimos una pequena reunion familiar para celebrar el verdadero dia del cumpleanos de Sebastian. Olenkita (la hija de mi hermano) celebro su cumpleanos un dia antes, asi que los dos soplaron la torta.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sebastian and his uncles (and one almost uncle) / Sebastian y sus tios (y un casi tio)

Sebastian compartio lindos momentos con sus tios y su primo Guille (casi tio). Aqui van algunas muestras:

Sebastian shared a lot of moments with his uncles and his cousin Guille (almost an uncle). Above a few samples:

Los 4 de vuelta en Chad / The 4 of us back in Chad

Una foto de los 4, raramente estamos todos juntos, asi que aqui va. A picture of the four of us, we rarely take pictures of the 4 of us together. So, here it goes.

I love my brother in 4 acts / Amo a mi hermano en 4 actos

Sebastian cannot stop hugging and touching his "Auggie", here a demonstration of love. Sometimes he gets too excited and instead of loving the bro, he is more like "torturing" the bro.

Sebastian no puede dejar de abrazar y de tocar a su "Auggie", aqui una demostracion de su amor. A veces se emociona tanto que en vez de acarinar a su hermano, mas bien lo "tortura".

Below another demonstration of love/ Abajo otra demostracion de amor:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Auggie by month / Auggie mes a mes

Me he propuesto tomar una foto a Auggie cada cumple-mes. La idea es poder documentar sus cambios y creciemiento durante su primer ano. Aqui sus dos primeros meses.

I decided to take a picture of Auggie every month. The idea is to document his changes and growth during his first year. Above a picture of his first two months.

Below a few more shoots from both months / Abajo mas fotos de ambos meses:

Nuevo miembro en la familia / A new member in the family

El 16 de Noviembre del 2011, nacio Augustine (alias el Auggie). Aqui las primeras fotos de su estadia por estas tierras.

On November 16, 2011, Augustine was born (Aka Auggie). Here a few pictures of his first days on earth.

Las chicas de mi grupo de foto, le hicieron una pequena bienvenida a Auggie. Diganme si no son lo maximo!

The girls from my photography group also welcomed Auggie. tell me if they are not the best!

Bienvenido Augustine

Aqui vamos / Here we go

Despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi que esta es la mejor manera de compartir con ustedes el dia a dia (algunas veces sera semana a semana, o quizas mas) de Sebastian y Augustine. Asi no lleno las bandejas de entrada con archivos enormes o multiples fotos. Veremos como sale. Un abrazo.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided that this was the best way to share with you the day by day (sometimes it will be week by week or even less often than that) of Sebastian and Augustine . This way I do not cramp your inboxes with big files or multiple pictures. We will see how it goes. Hugs