Thursday, December 27, 2012

Auggie 13 meses // Auggie 13 months

The little loco does not want to seat anyore, this time he stood up in the chair. :)
Nuestro pequeno loco, ya no se queire sentar en la silla, esta vez se paro para la foto. :)

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auggie 13 months collage 1

Week 48/52 // Semana 48/52

Sebastian had his last week of school. He sang a song but it seems that he was not very happy. Santa come through the roof of his school. All the kids went crazy and he was like, what is going on? He still does not know who Santa is. I think this will be his last year in blissful ignorance.

We went to the mountains with my mom. The kids had a great time!! My mom also brought us our Christmas tree from Peru (we bought one last year for Sebastian to have some sense of Christmas spirit). So we took back the decorations from the Charlie Brown tree and put them in our tree. The kids liked it. Although, Auggie as usual was the biggest danger for the tree's survival :)

Sebastian tuvo su ultima semana en el cole. Los chicos cantaron una cancion en la actuacion por navidad, pero mi chiki no estuvo muy feliz. Papa Noel se aparecio en el techo del colegio y los ninos se loquearon todos...menos mi hijo que todavia no tiene ni idea quien es Papa Noel. Creo que este sera el ultimo ano en que mantendremos esa feliz ignorancia.

Fuimos a las montanas con mi mama. Los chicos se la pasaron bomba como siempre. Mi mama nos trajo nuestro arbol de navidad de Peru (uno que compramos el ano pasado para darle a Sebas un poco de espiritu navideno). Asi que decomisionamos nuestro arbolito triste y pasamos todos los adornos al nuevo arbol. Sebas estuvo contento, y Auggie para variar se convirtio en el peligro numero uno para la sobrevivencia del nuevo arbol. :)


Weekly pic: with his ferocious dog // Foto de la semana: Con su Perro feroz

Weekly pic: Check out my tongue!! Foto de la semana: Lero, lero!!
At the school's X-mas celebration // En la fiesta de celebracion de su cole
Papa Noel apareciendo en el techo // Santa on the roof!!
With Modelaine, his teacher // Con Modelaine, su profe!!
Modelo perucha de exportacion // Peruvian model
Merry X-masss!!! // Feliz Navidad!!
Mami, this is the new tree!! // Mami, este es el nuevo arbol!!
Ahhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhh!!! Haaa!!! Yaaaa!!!!
Artist in the making // Prospecto de artista
Obra de arte terminada // Final piece of art
Playing with dinosaurs on early early Saturday morning // Jugando con dinosauros el sabado...temprano, muy temprano 
Mi pequeno artista, jugo con plastilina TODOOOO el dia!!
My little artist played with play doh the WHOLE day!!
Y decia, mami hazme una ballena, mami hazme una ballena orca, mami una manta raya, mami un elefante..mami, mami, mami :)
And he kept asking for animals, mami make me a whale, mami make me an orca whale, mami  a manta ray, mami an elephant, mami, mami..:)
Guapos sonrientes!!/ Handsome smilers!!
Checking out the place
Inspeccionando el lugar
mmm, I think I like it better over there!!
mmm, creo que voy a chequear por alla!!
Chau me voy!!
Bye, bye!!
mmm, mejor me regreso!!
mmm, I better go back!!
Mami, I am a farmer!!
Mami, soy un granjero!!
mmm, my bone is soo tasty!!
mmm, mi hueso esta mas rico!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 47/52 // Semana 47/52

Mi mama llego de Peru a pasar las navidades con nosotros. Pero como he andado medio loca, todavia no he tomado fotos con ella. Unos amigos se van de Haiti asi que nos reunimos con dos familias para despedirlos y que los chicos jueguen un rato juntos por ultima vez :(

My mom come to spend X-mas with us. Because everything has been hectic these days I have not yet took pictures with her. A family that we made friends with is leaving Haiti. We spent part of Sunday together to say goodbye to them and for the children to play together one more time.


Weekly pic: Sebas and his friends Foto de la semana: Sebas y sus amigos


Foto de la semana/ Weekly pic: Auggie B&W
jason against the bird
Jason en una lucha hombre a pajaro con su colibri hecho de llanta
Jason on a battle man against bird, with his hummingbird made of tire
auggie rumbero
Auggie sonseando en una fiesta de despedida
Auggie chilling out on a farewell party
4 locos viendo a un leon cazar a una chita
4 locos watching a lion to hunt a Cheetah 
Auggie motorizado / Auggie on wheels
Departiendo // Socializing
Jugando de a 2 a las carreras de carros
Racing cars in tandem 
Pan adicto / Bread addicted

Thursday, December 13, 2012

week 46//52 Semana 46/52

Esta semana nos visito San Nicolas que dejo unos regalitos en los zapatos de los chicos. Este senor nunca nos habia visitado antes. Los enanos estuvieron muy contentos. Especialmente Sebastian. Esta semana tambien armamos nuestro arbolito de navidad. hecho de ramas secas y pintado en las calles de Puerto Principe. Todo pelado el pobre, pero despues se veia bonito con todos nuestros adornitos. Sebastian lo disfruto mucho. Auggie disfruto tratando de sacar todos los adornitos del arbol. Sebastian gritaba Noo, Auggie, Nooo!!!!. Al adornito de Yeti que trajimos desde Nepal, Sebastian lo llama oveja. :).

El colegio andaba pidiendo fotos de Sebastian para su identificacion (la persona que lo recoge debe portar la tarjeta de identificacion). Trate de hacerlas caseras y ya veran en las fotos como salio. Lo gracioso era que el chiki no podia estarse quieto y decia Cheesee!! y hacia poses. Fue muy divertido!!!

This week Saint Nicholas visited us, he left some presents on the boys shoes'. This gentleman had never visited us before. Sebastian was very happy. This week, we also put our x-mas tree together. A white tree made out of dry branches and painted white in the streets of Port au Prince. It looked more like a Charlie Brown tree, but after putting all the decorations up it looked ok, even cute :). Sebastian enjoyed this very much, Auggie too, but he was having more fun taking the decorations away from the tree than anything else. Sebastian kept yelling at him: Nooo, Auggie, nooo!!!! The yeti decoration we brought from Nepal, Sebastian calls it a sheep :).

The school was asking for Sebas pictures for an ID card (whoever pick him up from school has to have this card). I tried to made the pictures at home, you can see the results below. The funny part was that Sebastian could not keep a straight face, he was saying cheeseee!!! and posing. It was a lot of fun!!

foto carnet sebas 3
Picture of the week: Posing Foto de la semana: Posando


Picture of the week: I want pictures too!! Foto de la semana: Yo tambien quiero fotos!!
Regalos de San Nicolas // Gifts from Saint Nicholas
Having fun on Satrday morning // Jugando un Sabado por la manana
The house will go.../ La casita ira....
Ohh fishy come with me!! // Oh pecesito, ven conmigo!!
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mami, aca, aca!! // Mom, here, here!!

Dancing!! The new love of Auggie!!// BAilar, el nuevo amor de Auggie!!!
Con su muneca!!/ With his doll!!
foto carnet collage
fotos carnet sebas
Las que quedaron para el cole// The ones selected for the school's ID

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week 45/52 // Semana 45/52

Esta semana nos fuimos a la playa con la tia Aleja que vino a visitarnos (pueden creerlo, nuestra amiga vino a Haiti a visitarnos - y a su hermano, pero yo alucino que fue por mi :)). A Alejandra la conocimos en Burundi, en los dias de sol sin ninhos. Hoy nos encontro de a 4 y la pasamos rico con ella. El Domingo, fuimos al 40 aniversario del moviento artistico San Soleil. Tuvimos un picnic tranquilo y disfrutamos de un poco de arte (pinturas, bailes, etc).

This week we went to the Beach with our friend Alejandra who come to visit us (could you believe it, she came to Haiti to visit us!! - and her brother, but who is counting :)). We met Alejandra during our time in Burundi, during sunny days with no children. She found us this time as a family of 4, and we had a nice time together. On Sunday we went to the 40th anniversary of the art movement of Sans Soleil. We had a picnic and enjoyed a little bit of art time (paintings, dances, etc).

Weekly pic: No more sand!!! Foto de la semana: No mas arena!!

Weekly pic: Please more sand!! // Foto de la semana: Porfa, mas arena!!
diversion playera
En el mar la vida es mas sabrosa // Fun in the ocean!!
Enterramiento - Cada vez que terminaban de enterrarlo, se paraba, y decia. Otra vez!!
 Burial - everytime he was buried up to his neck, he will leave the sand and say, AGAIN!!
Agua!! / Water!!
With Matthias, one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. Taking Sebas to clean up the sand after being buried
Con Matthias, uno de los ninos mas dulces que he conocido!! Llevandolo a que se lave despues de su enterramiento!
Someone is having fun! / Alguien se la esta pasando bien!
Foto Paparazzi!! / Paparazzi picture
Auggie/Matthias: Cleaning his mouth full of sand/Limpiandole la boca llena de arena
Con la tia Aleja Abeja/ With Aunt Aleja Abeja
Where is the whale? / Donde esta la ballena?
Locos gritones - Con la Julita // Crazy yellers - With Julia
I am also an artist/ Yo tambien soy artista
Art attack!!
sans soleil
Pinturas de San Soleil, estas pinturas fueron parte de la exposicion venta del dia (fotos choreadas de la Julita)
Paintings of the Sains Soleil artists. These paintings were part of the expo/sale of the day (Photos from Julie)