En abril nos fuimos a pasar las Pascuas a Minnesota donde la familia de Jason. El papa de Jason celebra el Domingo de Paascua con una busqueda de huevos donde todos los ninos de la familia y algunos vecinos participan. Fue la primera busqueda de huevos de los enanos y se divirtieron mucho. La casa es adornada con motivos Pascuales, es como si fuera navidad pero en Pascua :)
Minnesota nos recibio con mucho frio y hasta con nieve. Sebastian andaba fascinado con la nieve, cantando villancicos (el pobre andaba muy confundido con el tema de la nieve y la navidad :)).
Auggie hizo muy buenas migas con su primo Eli. Jugaron mucho y muy bien. Mientras Eli fue su companero de juegos, su primo Milo fue su heroe. Se reia de todo lo que Milo hacia y era muy tierno verlo como seguia a Milo con admiracion.
El museo de ciencias y el museo de los ninos tenian exhibiciones sobre Dinosaurios. Asi que no tuvimos mas remedio, que visitar esos museos :) para que los enanos vieran fosiles y jugaran un rato con uno des temas favoritos de juegos.
Visitamos una libreria que tenia animales (gallinas de seda, ferrets, una tarantula, gatos, pajaros). Muy simpatico el lugar: http://www.wildrumpusbooks.com/
Pasamos un dia muy simpatico en la casa de la tia Mary con su familia y Nana.
Los chicos disfrutaron muchisimo de sus abuelos, de sus tios y sus primos. Me encanta verlos compartir con la familia y recibir tanto carino de todos lados. En nuestras conversas siempre salen Grandma Grace, and Grandpa and John and Catherine and Tia Miria y sus primos. Me llena de mucha alegria que puedan sentir la conexion con su familia (Sebas le llama su familia grande). Ahora nos tocara ir a Peru para que refresquen su conexion con el lado materno :)
In April we spent Easter in Minnesota with Jason's family. Jason's dad celebrates Easter with an egg hunt where all the children in the family and some neighbors participate. This was the first egg hunt for the kids and they had a lot of fun. The house is decorated with Easter motives. It is like Christmas but in Easter :)
Minnesota received us with cold weather and snow.Sebastian was fascinated with the snow and was singing Christmas songs (the poor guy was very confused with the relation between snow and Christmas).
Auggie got along really well with his cousin Eli. They played a lot and very well. While Eli was his play mate, his cousin Milo was kind of his hero. Auggie laughed at Milo's jokes and it was sweet to see my little monkey's display of admiration to his cousin.
The Science Museum and the Children's Museum had exhibition about dinosaurs. We did not have an option but to go and check the museums :), so that the kids could see the fossils and play with one of their favorites play themes.
We went to a book store that has life animals in its premises (silky chickens, ferrets, a tarantula, cats, birds, etc) The place was very nice and the kids had a good time. http://www.wildrumpusbooks.com/
We also spent a nice day with Tia Mary, her family and Nana.
The kids enjoyed being with their Grandma, Grandpa, John and Catherine, their cousins and aunts and uncles. I really cherish to see them sharing with their extended family and to receive so much love from everybody. Now that we are back, they always talk about their Grandma Grace, and Grandpa and John and Catherine and Tia Miria y sus primos (Sebas calls it, his big family). I am very happy that they can feel the connection with their family. Now, we need to go to Peru to refresh the maternal side connection :)
First cousin encounter / Primer encuentro con los primos |
At the doctor's office / En la oficina del pediatra |
Waiting for the doc! / Esperando al doctor!
Wild Rumpus
Wild Rumpus: Libreria /Book store |
Gallinas "silkies" andando sueltas por la libreria Silkie chickens roaming free in the library |
The other animals at the library / Los otros animales de la libreria |
Auggie conociendo al gato Daniel Auggie meeting "Daniel" the cat |
Auggie encontro un espacio para leer y se quedo largo rato hurgando entre los libros Auggie found a little space to read by himself and remained there for a while reading several books |
Reading time with mama // Leyendo con mama!! |
Dibujo en tiza de la libreria, sobre la visita del autor del libro que lei a los chicos A chalk drawing about the author whose book I was reading to the kids |
Happy lads experiencing snow for the first (conscious) time Chikis contentos experimentando con nieve por primera (al menos de manera conciente) vez. |
Sebas fue el mas feliz con la nieve. Estuvo haciendo ademas de munecos, leones de nieve. Sebas was the happiest with the snow. He also made snow lions. |
Using protective gear for his frozen hands :) Usando proteccion para sus heladas manos :) |
Auggie did not care about gloves and was instead starting snow fights :) A Auggie le importo un comino ponerse guantes, y mas bien empezo a hacer una guerra de bolas de nieve
Museo de Ciencias / Science Museum
Sueno de dentista / A dentist dream |
The exhibition had some stations for the kids to play. Sebas enjoyed that very much! La exhibicion tenia estaciones donde los ninos podian jugar. A Sebas eso le gusto mucho!
Auggie e Isabel apreciando una cabeza de carnivoro Auggie & Isabel checking out a big dino head |
Auggie mesmerized by the big screen dinos Auggie asombrado por la pantalla gigante que mostraba dinosaurios |
Isabel was such a great big cousin and helped Auggie during the whole visit Isabel fue una prima super linda y ayudo a Auggie durante tod la visita |
Auggie tratando de tocar las pantallas Auggie trying to reach the touch screens |
Visitando las exhibiciones permanentes del museo Visiting the permanent exhibits of the museum |
Auggie explores / Auggie explora |
Toca, toca boton!// Touch, touch the buttom! |
The kids inside a simulation of a carnivore dinosaur stomach Los chicos dentro de una simulacion de panza de dinosaurio carnivoro |
Toda la familia en el set de television All the family inside a TV set |
Empezando las celebraciones pascuales con Grandma Grace Starting Easter celebrations with Grandma Grace |
A calm Auggie / Un calmado Auggie |
Auggie & Linda |
The kids enjoying dying Easter Eggs Los chicos disfrutando de decorar huevos de Pascua |
Enjoying the fruits of the previous night work! Disfrutando los frutos del tarbajo de la noche anterior! |
Easter Decor at Rollie & Catherine's / Decorado de la casa de Rollie & Catherine |
First Easter Egg hunt for Auggie and Sebastian Primera busqueda de huevos de Pascua de Auggie y Sebastian |
Auggie showing off his prices Auggie ensenando sus premios |
Haciendo travesuras en el pozo
Sebastian enjoying his Easter presents Sebastian disfrutando de sus regalos de Pascua |
Grandpa Rollie & Sebastian |
Tia Sheryl tying the guys up ? Tia Sheryl amarrando a los crios (uno de los pasatiempos favoritos de Sebas) |
Cheeseee!! |
Aha, Elia and Milo are climbing a tree.. I want to climb too!!! Aja, Eli y MIlo estan trepando a un arbol..yo tambien quiero!! |
Haircut time: Before and After |
Haircut time: Before and After |
Nooo, mi pelo noooo!! Noooo, my hair noooo!!! |
The two little friends / Los dos amigos queridos |
A tired warrior!! / Un cansado guerrero!! |
Hi Tia Maria!!! |
Children's Museum / Museo de los ninos
Imitating the T-Rex / Imitando al T-Rex |
Getting used to the Triceratops / Familiarizandose con el Triceratops |
Domesticando al T-Rex / Domesticating the T-Rex |
Yihaaaa!!! |
Dos terribles fieras!!! / Two ferocious animals! |
Dinosaurios en Minnesota |
Archaeologist in the making! / Ha nacido un arqueologo |
Hola Triceratops!! |
pecabezas (asi llama Auggie a los rompecabezas) |
Busy Dinos / Dinosaurios ocupados |
Trying to take a picture wit Grandpa / Tratando de tomar una foto con el abuelo |
Huevos escapista/ Runaway egg! |
Munchkin munching crackers / Comiendo galletas! |
Cheese moment! |
Camina como dinosaurio / Walking like a dino! |
Dos tortugas! / Tale of Two turtles! |
Creatividad facial!/ Creativity on my face! |
Final result / Resultado final |
Con la Tia Mary y Papa / With Tia Mary and Daddy |
Animal Farm / Granja animal |
Dos locos pintados jugando con mijo / Two little painted faces playing with millet |
Concentrado! / Focus! |
Lego Store and MOA
Genius creating!! / Genios creando!! |
Dando vuletas y mas vueltas!! / Spinning!! |
Speeding!!! |
Happy climb!! / Subibaja |
At Tia Mary's / Donde la Tia Mary
Playing with trains / Jugando con trenes |
Jugando a ser amarrado por su tio Andrew Playing to be tied by by his uncle Andrew |
Now is Uncle Gary's turn to tied him up Ahora es el turno del Tio Gary |
With Nana / Con la Nana querida (bisabuela) |
With Uncle Gary / Con el tio Gary |
Having fun with Tio Gary Divirtiendose con el tio Gary |
I do not want to be in the picture (it reminds me of his mother when she was a child) No quiero salir en la foto (me recuerda a su madre de chiquita ) |
The Hoke Family. Sebas accepted to be in the picture after tia Maria bribed him with an offer of a cookie La familia Hoke. Sebas en la foto despues de que la tia Maria lo sobornara con la promesa de una galleta |
Este no necesito soborno alguno ;) Feliz con su prima Isabel (mas conocida como Awisabel) This one did not needed any bribe :) Happy with his cousin Isabel (better known as Awisabel) |
Los Primos Hoke/Queenan |
Fin del viaje. en la cabina con el piloto :) End of the trip. At the main cabin with the pilot :) |
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