Saturday, October 26, 2013

Week 38/52 Semana 38/52

Nothing special, the kids just being them, playing and fighting and playing together again. :)
Nada especial. Una semana como cualquiera, los chikis jugando, peleandose, volviendo a jugar juntos. :)


Chilling!! / Descansando!!

Sonrisota!! / Big smile!!
Are you talking to us? ? Nos hablas a nosotros?
You stay there!! / Tu te quedas aca!!
Y ahora que pieza seguia? // What was the other piece?
Sebas, here, this is the other piece / Sebas, aqui la pieza que te faltaba!!
Ya casi listo!! / Almost done!!
Chu chu train!! / Chu chuuu tren!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 37/52 Semana 37/52

The boys are on swimming lessons. Sebas is really good. It is the first time that he was not using a vest, just the arm bands. Although, when he saw his friend swimming without anything  he refused to wear the arm bands and was really trying hard to swim by himself. I guess some competition was good motivation for him. Auggie took more time in warming up, but I think he is going to do great. My kids also experienced the delights of licking left overs of cake dough. It reminded me when I was a child and waited for my Tia Mina to give us the spoon to lick :)

Los chicos estan en clases de natacion. Sebastian esta progresando mucho. Es la primera vez que no usa su chaleco en la piscina, sino mas bien unos flotadores de brazo. Aunque, despues de ver a su amigo nadando sin flotadores, se nego a seguir usando los flotadores y empezo a hacer su clase sin nada y con mucho esmero. Tal vez un poco de competencia le sirvio de motivacion para tratar de hacer las cosas con mas ganas. Auggie se tomo su tiempo para entrar en la piscina, pero se que le va ir bien. Mis chikis tambien experimentaron las delicias de chuparse los restos de la masa de la torta. Me hizo acordar cuando era chiquita (mas) y esperaba para lamerme la cuchara de palo de mi tia Mina cuando terminaba de hacer una torta.


Patalea, patalea!! / Kick it, kick it!!

Should I enter?// Entro o no entro?
OK, I am coming!! // Ya, ya entro!!
mm que rico este pastel!!/ mmm this cake is yummy!!
Sebas: Auggie, the way to do it is by sticking your tongue all the way out!!
Sebas: Auggie, la manera de ahcerlo es sacar tu lengua todo lo que puedas!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 36/52 // Semana 36 52

Los enanos se fueron a una fiesta de cumpleanos, hubo competencia de globos, que termino en guerra de globos :), Sebastian estaba todo mojado. Ademas de Pinata, torta y otros juegos. Sebastian despues de recordar a la mama que teniamos que cantar Happy Birthday, se llevo una gran decepcion al ver que la torta era un pastel de frutas. Decia el enano: esa no es torta, tienen que ser mas gruesa!!. Al final, se rebelo y no comio torta, en vez agarro un kekito de choclo y eso fue su torta :)

The boys went to a birthday party, there was a water ballon race that ended up in a water ball war. Sebas was all wet...and happy :). We also had a pinata and of course cake....Sebastian had to remember the mom of the birthday boy to bring out the cake and sing Happy Birthday. However, when he saw the cake, he was very dissapointed. The cake was a fruit pie. He kept telling whoever listened to him that the cake was not a real cake, that it needed to be bigger and thicker. At the end, he decided to get a corn muffin instead of the cake and refused to eat the cake :)


Porfiado // Wiggle Waglle

Daguerrotype / Daguerrotipo
Starting with the water balloon race // Comenzando la carrera de globos
Taking his time to race!!/ Tomandose su tiempo para empezar la carrera!!
The elephant and the Cow/ El elefante y la vaca!!
Empezo la guerra!!/ The water war started!!
While they play..I eat!!/ Mientras ellos juegan..Yo como!!
Take this!! / Alli te va esta!!
El Elefante galante!!
Sebas Markus
Two rascals!! / Dos traviesos!!
Pinta goodies
Botin pinatero / Pinata bounty!
Concentradazo!! / Focus!!