Sunday, February 8, 2015

January / Enero

Fiesta, fiesta. Segundo anho consecutivo celebrando el 3 en 1: Olivia, Markus y Sebastian :)
Party, Party. Second year in a row celebrating the 3 in 1: Olivia, Markus and Sebastian :)

The theme was woodland animals. Sebas wanted a wolf pinata and a game of pin the tale on the fox :)
Markus wanted a Castle and all of them got their wishes :) Olivia just got fun of a make up set she received and was painting all the girls faces. Los 5 anos vienen divertidos.

El tema fue animales del bosque. Sebas queria una pinata de lobo y jugar ponle la cola al zorro :) Markus queria un castillo, y todos tuvieron lo que querian :). Olivia, se divirtio de lo lindo con un set de maquillaje que le regalaron y se la paso pintandole la cara a todas las ninas :). 5 is fun.

The card, the pinata, the cake, the place
La tarjeta de invitacion, la pinata, la torta, el lugar

Seb Olivia Markus Invite BD

cake IMG_7214 Pin the tale IMG_7134 IMG_7217

Los enanos / The kids

IMG_7221 IMG_7041 Rompe la pinata IMG_7088 IMG_7093 Where is superman
Sebastian sad because he could not catch the "Superman" figurine that I put inside the pinhata
Sebastian triste porque no pudo coger la figurita de "Srperman" que pusimos dentro de la pinata.

IMG_7159 Opening presents Makeup time IMG_7156 IMG_7164 IMG_7162 IMG_7163 Cake time IMG_7184 IMG_7186 Playing in the room IMG_7197

Sebas Birthday questions /
Las preguntas del cumpleanhos de Sebas
Sebas drew his cousins in the space for the picture :) Isabel (10), HImself (5), Eli (3), Henry (8). He did not have space for Milo and got mad and put a big X on the pic :). Then he was crying because according to him the drawing was not completed.Ayy with the perfectionist artists....:)

Sebastian dibujo a sus primos en el recuadro para la foto :) Isabel (10), A si mismo (5), Eli (3), Henry (8). No tuvo espacio para Milo y se molesto. Dibujo una X en la foto. Luego se pueso a llorar porque el dibujo no estaba completo. Ayy con los artistas perfeccionistas...:)

Scan 2Sebas Card Spanish
Sebas Card English

Friday, February 6, 2015

December /Diciembre

Diciembre es navidad, y nunca como este anho el espiritu navidenho estuvo tan presente en nuestra familia. Sebastian no podia mas de la emocion. Me pedia que ponga musica de navidad en la casa, me pedia que hicieramos galletas de navidad. Estaba tan emocionado con Papa Noel, que cada vez que hacia algo malo (como empujar a su hermano), miraba al cielo y decia: Sorry Santa!! :s

Esta fue la Navidad donde los chicos probaron por primera vez Chocolate Caliente (se enamoraron :)) y comieron marshmellows a la brasa (A auggie no le gusto la diea de carbonizar sus blancos Mashmellows :).

Pero lo mas bonito de este mes, fue ver a mis enanos jugar con sus primos. Jugar, jugar, jugar y solo jugar. Estaban tan felices de estar con sus primos, que lo que los ponia contentos no era ir a algun lugar nuevo, sino a la casa de tia Maria para jugar con sus primos. :)

Para que Sebastian puediera ver a sus primos todos los dias, pusimos la tarjeta de navidad con sus fotos al lado de su cam. El enano estab muy feliz cuando vio la tarjeta, volteo donde su papa y yo y nos dijo: Los quiero tanto.....Jason y yo teniamos los ojos nublados :)

Diciembre est tambien cumpleanos de Sebastian y el enano no paraba de hablar del tema. El queria una fiesta de Paw Patrol. Asi que tuvimos una torta de Paw Patrol con la familia y muchos regalos de Paw Patrol (como se habrian enterado :). Cuando volvimos a Haiti tuvimos su fiesta con sus amigos.


December is Cristmas, and this year the Christmas Spirit inundated our family. Sebastian was super excited, he asked me to play Christmas music at home, and asked to bake Christmas Cookies. He was soo taken by the idea of Santa Claus, and every time he was doind something naughty (like pushing his brother), he will look at the sky and say: Sorry Santa!! :S

This Christmas was a first for smoores and hot chocolate (the kids fall in love!!). Auggie did nto like the idea of burning his pristine white mashmellows in the fire :)

But what it was the best of this Christmas was to watch my kids playing with their cousins. To play, to play, to play and just play. They were soo happy to be with their cousins. They were happy just going to Tia Maria's House. That was their idea of fun :)

When we come back, I stick the cousins' Christmas Card next to Sebastian's bed, so tat he could see them every day. He was very happy when he saw the card, he turn to Jason and me and said: I love thme soo much....We had water in our eyes :)

decemeber is also Sebastian's birthday, and the little one did not stop talking about his birthday. He wanted a Paw Patrol brithday theme. He had a Paw Patrol cake and he received a lot of Paw PAtrol presents (I wonder how the family figured out :)). When we come back to Haiti we had a party with all his friends.

Christmas at the Wynn Farm / Navidad en la Granja Wynn IMG_6610 IMG_6629 IMG_6648 IMG_6651 Auggie seb caballo Auggie seb mashmellows IMG_6654


Christmas Card/ Tarjeta de Navidad noel2014sm Tarjeta de navidad auggie & seb & mama Betty

Conociendo a Papa Noel / Meeting Santa With Santa and his elf
Santa was kind of quiet. Sebas spoke with the elf to make sure to ask for all the presents he wanted :).
Santa anduvo un poco callado. Sebas hablo con el elfo para asegurar todos los regalos que el queria.

Christmas Day(s) / Navidad(es) IMG_6734 Xmas presents x-mas presents 1 x-mas fun
Mamaaaa, Santa come, look he ate the cookies and the milk!!! 
Maamamama, mira Papa Noel vino, se comio las galletas y la leche!!

x-mas fun 1 IMG_6923

Snow: The making of Sam / La Nieve: Haciendo a Sam
Nunca habia visto a mis chikis con tanta ropa en su vida :). Sebastian estaba tan emocionado con la nieve, que cuando en la noche vio que nevaba, preparo una bolsa de plastico con todos los elementos para armar su muneco de nieve: Sam. No paro hasta que le pusimos..zapatos :)

I have never seen my kids with soo many clothes, ever :) Sebastian was so excited with the snow. When he saw that it was snowing during the night. He prepared a bag with all the elements to make a snoman: Sam. He did not stop until we put Shoes to the snowman. :)

Snow fun 1Snow fun The make of a snow man

Sebastian's Birthday / El Cumple de Sebastian Sebas bday MN

Snow: Sledding for the first time /
 Nieve: Deslizando por primera vez Monkeys in the snow Slide fun IMG_6981 IMG_6987 IMG_6988 IMG_6990 IMG_6991 IMG_6996 IMG_7010 IMG_7015 IMG_7023 IMG_7027 IMG_7030

Haircuts / Corte de Pelosssss Before and After Haircuts The boys also were indoctrinated by their cousins about American Football, and had epic games in the basement. :) Los enanos fueron indoctrinados por sus primos en futbol americano, jugando en el sotano :) Video coming soon... Ya vienen los videos....