Friday, January 30, 2015

November / Noviembre

We went to the south of the Country with my mom. Celebrated Auggie's Birthday and put up the Christmas Tree :)

Fuimos al sur del pais con mi mama. Celebramos el cumpleanos de Auggie y pusimos nuestro arbol de navidad.

Cumpleanos/ Birthday Party

Elephant invite aaef
The card / La tarjeta
Elefante pinata
La pinata. hecha por mi mami y yo / The pinata made by my mom and me
Auggie attacking the pinata / Auggie atacando la pinata

Elmer the Elephant!
Chanchitos hotdogeros!
Little hot dog lovers
IMG_6486 IMG_6489 Auggie card final Spanish Auggie card final English

   Auggie 3 questions

From his responses I like two in particular, that are sooo Auggie:

Favorite book: Diabou Ndao: Auggie loves scary books. He particularly likes a Senegalese story of a little girl who loves nuts and confronted a lion. Sebastian is afraid of the story, Auggie, loves it. He says, he is not afraid of anything (and he says this with a high and serious voice) and he asks for scary stories to read at night. That is my little crazy fearless boy :)

What do you want to be when you grow up: He wants to be a 5 year old. Just like his brother. That is his concept of growing up, and just shows how much he wants to be like Sebas :)

De las respuestas del enano, me gustaron dos en particualr, son taaaan Auggie:

Libro preferido: Diabou Ndao: A Auggie le encantan las historias de miedo. Estos dias, el enano gusta especialmente de una historia Senegalesa sobre una ninita que ama las nueces y que se enfrento a un leon. Sebastian tiene miedo de leer ese libro. Auggie, a el le encanta. El dice que no tiene miedo a nada (y alza la voz y pone un tono ronco y de autoridad mientras dice esto), y me pide leerle mas libros de monstruos y miedo. Es tan Auggie, mi chiki que no tiene miedo :)

Que quieres ser de grande: Quiero tener cinco anhos. Justo como su hermano mayor. Ese es su concepto de "grande", y muestra cuanto admira y quiere ser como Sebas :)

Diabou Ndao comiendo nueces :)
Diabou Ndao eating nuts

kindle mama betty IMG_6505



IMG_6529 IMG_6530 IMG_6534 auggicito pensativo IMG_6552 IMG_6559  langosta

Arbol de Navidad
auggie & seb & mama Betty

Thursday, January 29, 2015

October // Octobre

Catching up after a few months. My Mom and Tia Maria came to visit us in October. We had a lot of fun. We also had a Halloween party. Sebas was a Pirate and Auggie, changed depending of his mood. He started as a superhero ,morphed into Spiderman, Fox, Dinosaur and ended up being just himself :).

Poniendome al dia despues de unos meses. Mi mama y Tia Maria vinieron a visitarnos. Nos la pasamos super lindo con ellas. Tambien tuvimos una fiesta de hallowen. Sebas se disfrazo de pirata, Auggie cambiaba de acuerdo a su humor. Comenzo como superheroe, cambio a Hombre Arana, Zorro, Dinosaurio y termino como el mismo :).

Family!!!/ Familia!!
Betty Maria Big Sebastian
Having fun at the beach! / Pasandola bien en la playa!!
Auggie Tia Maria & Mama Betty
Auggie & Seb MSM
Pesecitos!! / Little fish!
Tia Marias pics
Tia Maria
Ice cream is fun!! / Helado!!
Si hasta parece un angelito :)!! Looking like a little angel :)
Auggie speedos
Speedo Man!! 
Sebas Michelangelo
Michealangelo in action!! / Miguel Angel en action!!
Halloween Fun
Pre Halloween party...after jumping on the trampolin for a while.
Fiesta Pre Halooween..despues de saltar un rato en el trampolin.
What is that!! Que es eso!!: PAW PATROL!!!
Halloween decor!!
Halloween decor!!
Yo prefieero los juguetes de mi amigo!!
I prefer my fiend's toys!!
Check this out: PAW PATROL
Halloween scavenger hunt!! (Just  because we could not go to do trick and treat :))
Busqueda del tesoro de Halloween (a falta de poder salir a las calles :))
What is inside this bush?
Que hay dentro de este arbusto?
Chupetes, si me gustan los chupetes!!
Popsicoles, yes, I like them!!
The gang being introduce to PAW PATROL (This is when everything started)
La pandilla ve PAW PATROL por primera vez. Aqui empezo todo.