Friday, October 24, 2014

Septiembre / September

Inicio de clases. Cambio de cole, cumpleanos, Salida con amigos, superheroes, tenis, diversion!!

Este anho cambiamos de cole a los chikis. Sebastian no se acostumbraba al rigido esquema frances de su cole, y decidimos probar una escuela Montessori que nos encontramos por aqui. Para evitar logisticas complicadas, los dos piojos ahora van a la escuela Montessori. Los enanos estan respondiendo bien y los papas estan contentos porque los chikis estan contentos.

Fuimos a la fiesta de 3 amigos que celebraron juntos sus cumples. Los enanos la pasaron bonito, super contentos de ver a sus amigos despues de las vacaciones del verano boreal. Sebas lucio su musculatura sin ninguna censura :)

Una de nuestras familias amigas se va de Haiti, asi que nos juntamos para celebrar juntos por ultima vez. Tomamos una foto de los chicos juntos. Faltaron un par de familias, pero es lindo ver el carino que se tienen los enanos. Se ve tan contentos los chicos, y se quieren tanto entre ellos, que me da penita saber que casi todas las familias estaremos dejando Haiti en un anho.

Los enanos se la pasan super bien con las capas de superheroes que les mando la Tia Sara. Uno de sus amiguitos queria llevarse una capa a su casa, y le tuvimos que explicar que esas capas son de Sebas y Auggie. Tenemos un par de hermanitos que vienen los sabados a jugar a la casa (o los chicos van donde ellos) y se la pasan tomando turnos para ser superheroes :)

Tambien celeramos el cumpleanos de Jason e hicimos una torta de Monstruo. Los enanos me ayudaron a decorarla y estaban super emocionados. Comimos torta toda la semana.

Back to school, changing schools, birthday parties, going out with friends, superheroes, tennis, fun!!

This year the kids are going to a new school. Sebastian was not very happy with the rigid french system of his old school. We found a nice Montessori school and decided to give it a shot. To avoid complicated logistics we moved both kids to the new school. The kids are doing well and the parents are happy because the kids are happy.

We went to  a joint birthday party of 3 friends. The kids had a good time and were happy to see their friends after the school vacation. Sebas showed his body gifts with no shame :)

One of the families who we are friends here in Hait is leaving. We got together to celebrate together one more time. There were a couple of families who missed the fun. We took pictures of the kids together, they are a nice group of friends now. They like each other very much and play so well together. I got a little sad thinking that we will be in the same path next year.

The kids have a lot of fun with the superhero capes tia Sara sent to them. One of their friends wanted to take one of the capes home with him. With their friends, the kids take turns to play to be superheroes.

We also celebrated Jason's birthday with a Monster cake. The kids were really excited about it. We made two cakes and ate them for a whole week :)

De vuelta al colegio / Back to School
Auggie was not happy to go back to schools without a backpack. We forgot his backpack in Peru :(
Auggie no estaba muy contento de volver al cole sin su mochila. Nos olvidamos la mochila en Peru :(

first day of school collage

Fiesta, fiesta / Party. party
The party started with water balloon and outdoor games. Then we went inside for the Happy Birthday song. Note how Sebas is the only child happy about the sparkle candles. We sang HB three times (one for each birthday child). My kiddo was getting anxious about it. He just wanted his cake :)

La fiesta empezo con juegos y globos con agua. Luego fuimos adentro a cantar Happy Birthday. Noten como Sebas es el unico nino contento de ver las chispas de la vela. Cantamos HB 3 veces, mi chiki estaba ansioso, el solo qeuria comer su torta :)

Auggie borroso collage Sebas Avril Collage Balloon attack Auggie observa HB expectation HB fear excitement do we need to sing again.. por fin.. Bellos durmientes

Despedida de amigos
Part of the gang together / Parte de la pandilla junta

This is how it started friends

Superheroes and other games
Auggie y Sebas juegan a inventarse historias y juegos los fines de semana. Estas incluyen Monstruos, superheroes, Ballenas, Animales, Pajaros, etc. Sebastian es medio graffitero y nos esta llenando la casa de graffitis de pajaros y de tenebrosos gatos gigantes. Cada arte rupestre tiene una historia :)

Auggie and Sebas make up stories and games during weekends. These include monsters, superheroes, whales, animals, birds, etc. Sebastia is a sort of graffiti artist and is filling the house with birds and big mean cats. Each cave art has its own story.

Auggie y sus animales en fila
Monstruos collage

sperm whales 1
Sperm whales
sperm whales 2
Wall art Rio
Sebas vuela

Lecciones de tenis con papa / Tennis lessons with daddy
Jason is training the next Federer and Nadal of the world. Auggie is showing some promise :)
Jason esta entrenando al proximo Federer y Nadar de este mundo. Auggie esta mostrando talento :)

tennis lesson
tennis lesson 1 tennis lesson 2
tennis lesson 3

Happy Monster Birthday Papa